Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find the length of shortest transformation sequence from start to end, such that:
- Only one letter can be changed at a time
- Each intermediate word must exist in the dictionary
start =
end =
dict =
As one shortest transformation is
"hit" -> "hot" -> "dot" -> "dog" -> "cog"
,return its length
- Return 0 if there is no such transformation sequence.
- All words have the same length.
- All words contain only lowercase alphabetic characters.
typical BFS and shortest path
class Solution { public: int ladderLength(string start, string end, unordered_set<string> &dict) { // Note: The Solution object is instantiated only once and is reused by each test case. if (start == end) return 1; queue<pair<string,int> > q; q.push(make_pair(start, 1)); // assign each node a distance unordered_set<string> used; while (!q.empty()) { string top = q.front().first; int length = q.front().second; q.pop(); for (int index = 0; index < start.length(); index++ ) { for (int alp = 'a'; alp < 'z'; alp++) { if (alp == top[index]) continue; // ignore the same letter string temp = top; temp[index] = alp; if (temp == end) { return length+1; } if (used.find(temp) == used.end() && dict.find(temp) != dict.end()) { used.insert(temp); q.push(make_pair(temp, length+1)); } } } } return 0; } };Java,双向BFS, udpated on Aug-4th-2018
class Solution { public int ladderLength(String beginWord, String endWord, List<String> wordList) { int len = 1; Map<String, Boolean> dic = getDic(wordList); if (!dic.containsKey(endWord)) return 0; dic.put(beginWord, false); dic.put(endWord, false); Set<String> begin = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> end = new HashSet<>(); begin.add(beginWord); end.add(endWord); while (!begin.isEmpty() && !end.isEmpty()) { if (begin.size() > end.size()) { Set<String> t = begin; begin = end; end = t; } len++; Set<String> temp = new HashSet<>(); for (String s : begin) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); for (char nextC = 'a'; nextC <= 'z'; nextC++) { String next = s.substring(0, i) + nextC + s.substring(i + 1); if (end.contains(next)) return len; if (dic.containsKey(next) && dic.get(next)) { temp.add(next); dic.put(next, false); } } } } begin = temp; } return 0; } private Map<String, Boolean> getDic(List<String> wordList) { Map<String, Boolean> dic = new HashMap<>(); for (String s : wordList) { dic.put(s, true); } return dic; } }Palindrome Partitioning
Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.
Return all possible palindrome partitioning of s.
For example, given s =
[ ["aa","b"], ["a","a","b"] ]-----------------------------------------
DFS, recursive
class Solution { public: bool checkPalin (string s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length()/2; i++) { int end = s.length() - 1 - i; if (s[i] != s[end]) { return false; } } return true; } void partition (string cur, vector<string> v, string remain, vector<vector<string> >& ret) { if (remain.empty()) { ret.push_back(v); return; } for (int i = 0; i < remain.length(); i++) { cur += remain[i]; if (checkPalin(cur)) { vector<string> cp = v; cp.push_back(cur); partition("",cp,remain.substr(i+1),ret); } } } vector<vector<string>> partition(string s) { // Note: The Solution object is instantiated only once and is reused by each test case. vector<vector<string> > ret; vector<string> v; partition("",v,s,ret); return ret; } };Update on Oct-03-2014
Using index
class Solution { public: bool isPal(string str) { for (int i = 0; i < str.length() / 2; i++) { if (str[i] != str[str.length() - 1 - i]) { return false; } } return true; } void dfs(vector<vector<string> > &rt, vector<string> cur, string s,int index) { if (index == s.length()) { rt.push_back(cur); return; } for (int i = 1; i < s.length() - index + 1; i++) { string sub = s.substr(index,i); if (isPal(sub)) { vector<string> temp = cur; temp.push_back(sub); dfs(rt,temp,s,index + i); } } } vector<vector<string>> partition(string s) { vector<vector<string> > rt; vector<string> v; dfs(rt,v,s,0); return rt; } };Thoughts: we can add Memoization to improve efficiency. Set up a 2d-array of vector<vector<string>
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